Streaming soon!
A sneak at the new page will be available on the stream tonight! The stream starts in 30 minutes at 8pm MST. I’ll probably draw for 60-90 minutes 🙂 join me at
A sneak at the new page will be available on the stream tonight! The stream starts in 30 minutes at 8pm MST. I’ll probably draw for 60-90 minutes 🙂 join me at
Tucson Convention Center
March 24, 25, & 26, 2017
I will be hosting a table in artist alley at ConNichiwa (March 24, 25, & 26)! Chapters 1, 2, and maybe even 3 (early print for con-goers!) will be available along with commissions, prints, and original pieces. 🙂 I’ll be at table A1 ~ just enter the main door and walk straight forward!
Tucson Comic Con is over and it was so, so fabulous!! Thank you so much for coming to see me and supporting False Deity. 😀 I am still feeling unwell but I am determined to catch up on pages. I’ll make sure to post Oct 22nd and 29th’s page, Nov 5th’s page, and this week’s (Nov 12) page as soon as I can.
I am attending a weekend-long coloring seminar on the 11th, 12th, and 13th. This will make it hard for me to keep current on the comic pages. However! I just ordered a Cintiq companion so I feel like that will really help me stay on target! I am so excited.
THANK YOU for reading and supporting me. 🙂 You really mean so much to me, so much~
Chapter 2 prints have been ordered and will be available before the end of October. I am so, so excited to share this with you all. Thank you – THANK YOU for your support and suggestions. I hope you continue reading and welcome new readers too! There’s so much more of False Deity I want to tell you!
There is a LOT going on! My new job takes up a lot of my day, but I am also working hard on tons of things for you to look forward to!
1. False Deity comics are for sale at R-Galaxy and Constant Con!
2. Constant Con also has all my other artwork available – just like my booth at a convention would offer. 😀 So cool!
3. Chapter 2’s LAST PAGE is NEXT WEEK!! That means I am drawing the artwork included in the printed chapter, the cover image for chapter 3, AND this week’s page! There’s so much coming, so much to be excited about!
4. With all that going on, I am a little off schedule. I am working on prints, buttons, and stickers as well as False Deity stuff in preparation for TUCSON COMIC CON which is COMING SO SOON!!! False Deity is on the exhibitor list! (Along with awesome other tables like Aortic Inkwell, Pissed OFF Panda, and Hi-Fi colour design! Wooooo!!) Check out the list! AND BUY YOUR TICKETS they are so cheap for a whole weekend woooowwwww