Short delay
Page 74 is nearly finished. I am moving homes during the month of April and the landlord needs help today, so instead of finishing the page on time I’ll be working on my home. Sorry for the delay. 🙂 You’ll see the page soon.
Page 74 is nearly finished. I am moving homes during the month of April and the landlord needs help today, so instead of finishing the page on time I’ll be working on my home. Sorry for the delay. 🙂 You’ll see the page soon.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by my table today at the Tucson ComiCon booth at the Festival of Books! Genesis is so great – I’m sorry I forgot your name!
My next event is Con-Nichiwa the last full weekend of this month (24, 25, 26) at the Tucson Convention Center. I’ll be at the same table I was last year, A1, direct ahead as you walk in. You just gotta walk by the commercial vendor tables to the artist alley and I’ll be the first table you see. 🙂
I need to do a LOT of work for my job this weekend, so I cannot guarantee page 74 will come soon. I want it to. I am trying hard!
Due to unfortunate life circumstance, page 74 will not be released today. Nothing to worry about though. 🙂 Everything will be smooth very soon. Hope to see you at the Festival of Books today!
Hey guys! It’s a new month.
Also, only a few days until the Festival of Books! Only a couple weeks until ConNichiwa! So exciting!! Come see me at the festival on Saturday, March 11 from 1:30 to 5:30 at the Tucson Comic Con tent (494). It is located on the south side of the mall near Cherry. 🙂
Hi guys! Some annoying news to share; my right arm is having some incredibly painful and unexpected nerve issues. I can’t make a fist or use my fingers on a mouse or pen without a ton of pain. I’m right-handed, so this is seriously halting my page creation speed. Halting into complete zero until my hand does what it should again. I’m trying to give it a rest and some compression to feel better, hoping tomorrow the nerve has recovered. If not, I’ll get some professional help on Monday. I’m so sorry I don’t have the page ready to show you today. It’ll be up as soon as I possibly can get it done.